

Yearly Results

All Time Records

Division Team Year Overall Time Pace
Open LRC Racing 2018 6:32:08.2 5:08/m
Mixed LRC Racing 2017 7:08:15 5:36/m
Women LRC Racing Women 2018 7:44:39.6 6:05/m
Masters LRC Racing – The Old Guys Grind 2023 7:01:32 5:37/m
Mixed Masters Lincoln Running Company 2014 8:56:17 6:45/m
Women’s Masters Sporty over Forty 2017 10:08:40 7:58/m
Corporate Team Michelob Ultra 2019 6:59:52 6:09/m
6 Person Team (08-12) Lincoln Running Company 2011 8:03:53 6:12/m
Academic NWU Alumni 2010 8:36:56 6:06/m
Armed Forces Offutt Road Warriors 2013 8:01:54 6:07/m
Run Club (08-12) Luska Track Club 2009 10:22:55 7:06/m
Religious CCCu@thefinishline 2023 9:16:56 7:25/m


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All Finishers receive a commerative Market to Market Relay Nebraska Medal

OPEN: All teams may compete, generally all male.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, 4th Place, 5th Place, 6th Place, 7th Place

MIXED: At least three female members must be on the team.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, 4th Place, 5th Place, 6th Place, 7th Place

WOMEN: All team members must be women.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, 4th Place, 5th Place, 6th Place, 7th Place

MASTERS: All team members must be at least 40 years old.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place

MIXED MASTERS:  At least three female members must be on the team and all team members must be at least 40 years old.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place

WOMEN MASTERS: All team members must be female and at least 40 years old.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place

CORPORATE: All team members must be employed by the same employer or immediate family members.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place

ARMED FORCES: All team members must be active or past members of organizations instrumental to the nation’s defense and/or community safety such as Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, FBI, Police, and Firefighters.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place

ACADEMIC: All team members affiliated with one school, college, university, or other center of learning. This can be students, faculty, or both.
1st Place

RELIGIOUS: All team members from the same religious organization
1st Place

1st Place

1st Place

1st Place